Category: Uncategorized

I am unsuccessfully trying to change my profile pic. I’m using the gravatar thing on the right, but everytime I take a pic with my webcam I am told the image is too large. Can anyone help me out?

It has been a very busy week at school and home. And at other peoples homes. I need to learn to say no more often. Too many times I find myself saying,” sure I can do that” when I really want to say, “I can do it, but I really don’t want to.” Helping people out with their “little renovations”  that grow and grow is seriously becoming too much of a pain.  It’s been so busy that I never had a chance to update my blog, but seriously if I have a spare minute it’s not the first thing that comes to mind. An ADHD guy who hunts and pecks his way through 12 words a minute doesn’t really want to sit and type, most of the time I lose my train of thought half way through the sentence( if it has already happened my apologies). Last weeks lecture was a complete bust for me. I logged on and was busy listening to what was going on only to find that I logged onto the wrong address and was listening to a lecture from last year. It only took me 20 minutes to figure it out( it was quite interesting though). When i finally got to the correct lecture it was tweek this and tweek deck that, I can hardly follow what is being said and what is being typed, nevermind get anything out tof the lesson. Now i know what EAL students must feel like, because half the language is new to me.

The next 2 and a half days I am at a PLC building conference in Regina. I’m guessing that I’ll have lots of time to catch up on my tweeting and such.

Adious ’til Tuesday

Here we go!

my blog is up and running, but I don’t have anything  much to say. Still investigating WordPress.

I just read this post from someone else, it doesn’t matter who.  All I know is I will never get that 5 mins of my life back.