It has been some time since I have sat down to blog. I have been trying to catch up on class content and trying out some new technology to get my major digital project up and running. So far it still feels like I’m trying to run in quicksand. So many other, more interesting (at least to me) things, to choose from rather then sitting in front of a computer typing. I have been reading many of the other students blogs, they all seem much more interesting. I have been watching a lot of Ted talks I find Ken(Sir) Robinson very interesting to listen to. I thought his comments about schools ruining students creativity hit the mark. His comments to the little girls mother about her being a dancer resonated with me. I see students in my classes all of the time that are very good at some aspects of the class, but very weak in others. My students are not dancers, but they could become craftsmen.  Too many times I listen as colleagues discuss how we are going to increase the number of students going to post secondary education, as if that is the only reason for going to high school. Many of the students that I haved taught have gone on to become successful without going to universtiy, or college. I think we lose sight of the fact that not all students will attend university, or need to, to become successful.  There are many paths that lead to success, some just have more twists and turns then others.

To everyone that helped with my picture problem, thanks for the advice. I’m still working on it.